Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Unit Plan

Unit Plan Title-Catch the Wave
I would like my student to be able to summarize factors that influence the basic properties of waves (including frequency, amplitude, wavelength, and speed).Under this standard I want students to be able to; recognize the basic properties of waves; recall the factors that influence the basic properties of waves Interpret; illustrate diagrams of transverse waves by identifying specific characteristics. Students will communicate their findings in a PowerPoint or use Photo Story to demonstrate their understand.
EQ Question
What is essential for survival?
Unit Questions
What is one invention you need to enjoy life?
Where are waves?
Content Questions
What are the basic properties of waves?
What are factors that influence the basic properties of waves?
How does one property of a wave affect another property of a waves?


  1. You could also ask the unit question "Where do waves come from?". I also think that maybe talking about either Surfing or Hurricanes would add a bit more student interest and excitement. I wasn't sure what invention you need to enjoy life had to do with waves?

  2. Waves are a good topic for a unit. I too was confused about the invention question for an UQ. Another possible EQ might be Must All Things Repeat or Do All Things Repeat?
    Consider carefully what you want your students to do.
